·     ABBOTT, J., HAY, C., KALONGA, M., NAESJE, T. & PURVIS J. 2003. The 2002 joint frame survey of fisheries on the Upper Zambezi River (Namibia/Zambia). (PDF - 2336KB) DEA research Discussion paper 58: 40 pp.
·     ASHLEY, C. 1994. Population growth and renewable resource management: the challenge of sustaining people and the environment. DEA Research Discussion Paper 1: 34 pp.
·      ASHLEY, C. 1995. Tourism, communities, and the potential impacts on local incomes and conservation. (PDF - 626KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 10: 43 pp + appendices.
·      ASHLEY, C. 1996. Incentives affecting biodiversity conservation and sustainable use: the case of land use options in Namibia. (PDF - 104KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 13.
·       ASHLEY, C & BARNES, JI. 1996. Wildlife use for economic gain: the potential for wildlife to contribute to development in Namibia. (PDF - 171KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 12: 23pp.
·       ASHLEY, C, BARNES, J & HEALY, T. 1994. Profits, equity, growth and sustainability: the potential role of wildlife enterprises in Caprivi and other communal areas of Namibia. (PDF - 177KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 2: 25 pp.
·      ASHLEY, C, BARNES, J, BROWN, C & JONES, B. 1997. Using resource economics for natural resource management: Namibia's experience. (PDF - 131KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 16: 23 pp.
·       ASHLEY, C & GARLAND, E. 1994. Promoting community-based tourism: what, why, and how. (PDF - 365KB)  DEA Research Discussion Paper 4: 37 pp.
·       ASHLEY, C & LA FRANCHI, C. 1997. Livelihood strategies of rural households in Caprivi: implications for conservancies and natural resource management. (PDF - 1000KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 20.
·      ASHLEY, C, MÜLLER, H & HARRIS, M. 1995. Population dynamics, the environment, and demand for water and energy in Namibia. DEA Research Discussion Paper 7: 28 pp.
·       AUER, C. 1998. Water availability and chemical water quality as important factors for sustainable wildlife management in the Etosha National Park and for domestic stock in farming areas of Namibia. (PDF - 450KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 26: 30 pp.
·       BANDYOPADYAY, S. ...[et al]. 2004. Do households gain from community-based natural resource management? An evaluation of community conservancies in Namibia.  (PDF - 208KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 68: 21 pp.
·      BARNES, JI. 1995. The value of non-agricultural land use in some Namibian communal areas: a data base for planning. (PDF - 168KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 6: 21 pp.
·       BARNES, JI & DE JAGER, JLV. 1995. Economic and financial incentives for wildlife use on private land in Namibia and the implications for policy. (PDF - 107KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 8: 21 pp.
·      BARNES, JI, SCHIER, C & van ROOY, G. 1997. Tourists' willingness to pay for wildlife viewing and wildlife conservation in Namibia. (PDF - 134KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 15: 24 pp.
·      BARNES, J.I. 1998. Wildlife conservation and utilization as complements to agriculture in southern African development. (PDF - 99KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 27.
·      BARNES, J.I., MACGREGOR, J. & WEAVER, L.C. 2001. Economic analysis of community wildlife use initiatives in Namibia. (PDF - 86KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper No 42, Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia. 20pp.
·      BARNES, J.I., ZEYBRANDT, F., KIRCHNER, C., & SAKKO, A. 2002. The economic value of Namibia`s recreational shore fishery: A review. (PDF - 109KB) DEA Research Discussion paper 50: 21 pp
·      BLACKIE, R. 1999.  Communities and natural resources: Trends in equitable and efficient use. (PDF - 80KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 29.
·      BLACKIE, R. & TARR, P.  1999. Government policies on sustainable development in Namibia. (PDF - 82KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 28.
·      BYERS, BA (ROBERTS, CS, ed). 1997. Environmental threats and opportunities in Namibia: a comprehensive assessment. (PDF - 508KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 21: 65 pp.
·      DAY, JA (BARNARD, P, ed). 1997. The status of freshwater resources in Namibia. DEA Research Discussion Paper 22: 46 pp.
·      ENVIRONMENTAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE MASTER STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN (BLACKIE, R., ed), 1999.  A preliminary environmental assessment of Namibia's resettlement programme. (PDF - 101KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 32.
·      ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN (TARR, JG, ed). 1998. A retrospective study of the environmental impacts of emergency borehole supply in the Gam and Khorixas areas of Namibia. (PDF - 122KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 25: 27 pp.
·      FLEERMUYS, F.N. 2005. The balance of payments as a monetary phenomenon: An econometric study of Namibia. (PDF - 381KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 72: 33 pp.
·       HALSTEAD, L. 2003. Making community-based tourism work: An assessment of factors contributing to successful community-owned tourism development in Caprivi, Namibia. DEA Research Discussion Paper 60: 35 pp.
·      HUMAVINDU M.N.(2002). AN Econometric analysis of fixed investment in Namibia. (PDF - 160KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 47.
·      HUMAVINDU M.N.(2002). Economic without market: Policy inferences from natural-based tourism studies in Namibia. (PDF - 149KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 49.
·      JARVIS, AM & ROBERTSON, A. 1999. Bird data in Namibia - a model for biodiversity information system development: Avifaunal Database User Manual. (PDF - 6894KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 33: 122 pp.
·     JARVIS, A & ROBERTSON, T. 1997. Endemic birds of Namibia: evaluating their status and mapping biodiversity hotspots. (PDF - 993KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 14: 102 pp.
·     JONES, BTB. 1995. Wildlife management, utilization and tourism in communal areas: benefits to communities and improved resource management. DEA Research Discussion Paper 5: 19 pp + 1 appendix.
·     JONES, BTB. 1997. Parks and resident peoples. Linking Namibian protected areas with local communities. DEA Research Discussion Paper 24: 39 pp.
·     KIRCHER, CH & STAGE, J. 2005. An economic comparison of the commercial and recreational line fisheries in Namibia. (PDF - 247KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 71: 21 pp.
·     KRUG, W., HAIMBODI, N. & SUICH H. 2001. Pricing protected areas in Africa: is Namibia's park pricing policy efficient? (PDF - 208KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper No. 45, Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia. 20pp.
·     KRUGMANN H. 2001. Fundamental issues and the threats to sustainable development in Namibia. (PDF - 182KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper No. 46:41pp.
·     KRUGMANN, H., COLE, D., & DU PLESSIS, P. 2003. Access and benefit-sharing mechanisms for the use of botanical resources in Namibia. (PDF - 328KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 66: 52 pp.
·     LANGE, G-M. 1997. An approach to sustainable water management using natural resource accounts: the use of water, the economic value of water, and implications for policy. (PDF - 830KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 18: 39 pp.
·     LANGE, G-M. 2003. The contribution of minerals to sustainable economic development: Mineral resource accounts in Namibia. (PDF - 1135KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 54: 29 pp.
·     LANGE, G-M. 2003. The value of Namibia` commercial fisheries. (PDF - 164KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 55: 19 pp.
·     LANGE, G-M. 2003. National wealth, natural capital and sustainable development in Namibia. (PDF - 451KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 56: 15 pp.
·     LANGE, G-M, BARNES, JI & MOTINGA, DJ. 1996. Cattle numbers, biomass, productivity, and land degradation in the commercial farming sector of Namibia, 1915 to 1994. (PDF - 891KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 17: 28 pp.
·     LANGE, G-M & MOTINGA, DJ. 1997. The contribution of resource rents from minerals and fisheries to sustainable economic development in Namibia. (PDF - 491KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 19: 32 pp.
·     Li, Ben M.L. & Vaughan, K. 2003. Social relations and water management: The impact of community-based water management in the #Khaodi //Hôas Conservancy of north-west Namibia. DEA Research Discussion Paper 65: 23 pp.
·    LONG, S.A. 2002. Disentangling Benefits. Livelihoods, Natural Resource Management Revenue from Tourism: The experience of the Torra Concervancy. (PDF -498,5KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 53: 29 pp.
·    McGANN, J.A. 2000. The Environmental Investment Fund. (PDF - 831KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 38.
·    McGANN, J.A. 2000. Towards the estblishment of the Environmental Investment Fund. (PDF - 158KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 39.
·    MULONGA, S. 2003. Wild food: Use of natural resources for food in eastern Caprivi. DEA Research Discussion Paper 62: 41 pp
·    MULONGA, S., SUICH, H. & MURPHY, C. 2003.  The conflict continues: Human wildlife conflict and livelihoods in Caprivi. (PDF - 763KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 59: 28 pp.
·    MURPHY, C. & HALSTEAD, L. 2003. "The person with the idea for the campsite is a hero" - Institutional arrangements and livelihood change regarding community-owned tourism enterprises in Namibia. (Case studies from Caprivi and Kavango Regions) Dea Research Discussion Paper 61: 42 pp.
·    MURPHY, C. & SUICH, H. 2003. Mashi craft market - crafts and livelihoods in Caprivi. DEA Research Discussion Paper 57: 30 pp.
·   O'TOOLE, M.J. (BARNARD, P, ed). 1997. Marine environmental threats in Namibia. DEA Research Discussion Paper 22: 48 pp.
·    POONYTH, D., BARNES, J.I., SUICH, H. & MONAMATI, M. 2001. Satellite and resource accounting as tools for tourism planning in southern Africa. (PDF - 82KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper No. 43, Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia. 21 pp.
·    PURVIS, J. 2002. Post-harvest fisheries on the eastern floodplains, Caprivi (PDF - 253KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 51: 23 pp.
·    PURVIS, J. 2002. Fish and livelihoods: Fisheries on the eastern floodplains, Caprivi. DEA Research Discussion Paper 52: 42 pp.
·   QUAN, J, BARTON, D & CONROY, C (ASHLEY, C, ed). 1994. A preliminary assessment of the economic impact of desertification in Namibia. DEA Research Discussion Paper 3: 150 pp.
- Executive summary report, 44 pp.
- Case study report, northern communal areas (Uukwaluudhi), 35 pp.
- Case study report, northern commercial areas, 33 pp.
- Case study report, southern communal and commercial areas, 42 pp.
·     RODWELL, TC, TAGG, J & GROBLER, M. 1995. Wildlife resources in the Caprivi, Namibia: the results of an aerial census in 1994 and comparisons with past surveys. (PDF - 205KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 9: 29 pp.
·     SCHIFFER, E. 2004. How does community-based natural resource management in Namibia change the distribution of power and influence? Preliminary findings. (PDF - 441KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 67: 43 pp.
·     SIMMONS, RE, BARNES, KN, JARVIS, AM, & ROBERTSON, T.  1999. Important Bird Areas in Namibia. (PDF - 399KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 31.
·     SUICH H. 2001. Development of preliminary tourism satellite accounts for Namibia. (PDF - 86KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper No. 44, Directorate of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Windhoek, Namibia. 24pp.
·     SUICH H. & MURPHY C. 2002. Crafty Women: The livelihood of craft income in Caprivi. (PDF - 255KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper No. 48.
·     SUTTON, WILLIAM R., LARSON, DOUGLAS M., AND JARVIS, LOVELL S. 2004. A new approach for assessing the costs of living with wildlife in developing countries. DEA Research Discussion Paper 69: 27 pp.
·     TARR, P  2000. Knowledge, opinions and attitudes regarding Environmental Assessment in Namibia: Results from a national survey conducted in 1997. (PDF - 191KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 30.
·     TARR, P. & FIGUEIRA, M. 1999. Namibia's Environmental Assessment framework: -the evolution of policy and practice. (PDF - 138KB) DEA Research Discussion Paper 34.
·     TURPIE, J., LANGE, G-M., MARTIN, R., DAVIES, R. & BARNES, J. 2005. Namibia`s Protected Areas: Their economic worth and the feasibility of their funding. (PDF 341KB). DEA Research Discussion Paper 73: 32 pp.