The Ministry of Environment and Tourism is empowered by various Acts to regulate activities related to  Wildlife Utilization, Casino and Gambling House and Environment Impact Assessment.

Permits are predicated on two principles: First is the acknowledgement that Namibias wildlife resources are protected and cannot be taken from the wild without an appropriate permit. Secondly, it is recognised that the utilizing and /or trading of these resources may have a negative impact on wild populations unless there are systems in place to ensure accountability for possession and the manner in which they are managed.

To protect the integrity of our wildlife and natural resources, the Wildlife Trade and Permit Control sub-division manages the permitting system to ensure that wildlife is sustainably utilized and biodiversity conservation is maintained for the benefit of the present and future generations of Namibians.

Section 83 (2) of the current legislation (Ordinance 4 of 1975) makes provisions for a permitting system as a control and monitoring mechanism, which if combined with effective enforcement can contribute to the safeguarding of wildlife resources.

Registrations of companies or individuals involved in the wildlife industry are also an important function of this sub-division. Registration is issued on the condition that the recipient keeps a register and reports back at the end of each year. This information is used by the MET for monitoring and to insure sustainability.

A research permit is required to collect biological specimens or to conduct research on fauna and flora throughout Namibia, including within the country's parks and protected areas.

Research proposals and applications must add to our knowledge and not be a duplication of an existing research project. Proposals are scrutinized by th Research Committee and all new proposals are sent to relevant area Managers and Local Authorities for comments for their input before permits are issued.

Once the project is thought to be feasible and is approved, permits for specific dates and places are issued on request.

These permits are valid for one year only, and will not be extended or renewed without a progress report on the previous years work.


Note: Click on the linked heading text to expand or collapse panels and download application forms.