Annex 2 NILALEG Prodoc 

Annex A 5640 Multi-Year Workplan

Annex S 5640 Link to the GIS Map Album

Annex T 5640 Policy Institutional Analysis

Annex L 5640 Procurement Plan Info  Year 1

Annex M 5640 Theory of Change Diagrams

Annex H 5640 UNDP Risk Log 17 May 2019

Annex B ii  5640 Net avoided emissions report

Annex O 5640 Stakeholder Consultation Report

Annex G 5640 Gender Analysis and Action Plan

Annex N 5640 Logframe with Outputs and Activities

Annex C 5640 Overview of Technical Consultancies

Annex B iii  5640 FAO EXACT Carbon Calculator Tool

PIMS 5640 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 17 May 2019

Annex B i 5640 GEF Core Indicators Replacing Tracking Tools

Annex P  i to  v 5640 Maps of Component 2 Focal Landscapes

PIMS 5640 Namibia NILALEG ESMF for clearance 18 April 2019

Annex X 5640 ILM Capacity Development Scorecard Framework

Annex D 5640 Terms of Reference for Project Steering Committee 

PIMS 5640 NILALEG Indigenous Peoples Framework 17 May 2019 

Annex U ii 5640 Results of the calculations on the net avoided emissions

Annex Q i 5640 Biophysical Profiles of Focal Landscapes  Narrative Report

Annex R 5640 Multi-Criteria Analysis for Component 2 Landscape Selection

Annex W 5640 Livelihood CBNRM and Nature-Based Enterprise Development