Namibia has a proud conservation record, which is recognised internationally. This reputation rests partly on conservation outside parks and reserves on freehold and communal land. It rests on the country's commitment to the conservation of biological diversity(biodiversity) through the establishment and management of Protected Areas(PAs).

Namibia has 20 state run protected areas coverring about 17 per cent of the country's land surface, which exceeds the mean PA coverage per nation of 12.2 per cent. The PAs conserve biodiversity and ecosystem by protecting some of the country's most important habitats and species of national and global significance. The country's commitment to biodiversity conservation is reflected in the Constitution. Article 95 (1) provides the foundation for the formulation of policies, legislation and programmes aimed at safeguarding the country's biodiversity and ecosystems for the benifit of current and future generations.

Kindly Note:

Visitors are required to pay park entry fees at MET Headquaters, Regional offices or upon arrival at the parks.