Waterberg Plateau Park was proclaimed in 1972 as a sanctuary for rare and endangered game species. The park has played a vital role in breeding species for the restocking of other parks and conservation areas. Towering sandstone cliffs, dinosaur footprints, mysterious rock engravings and some of Namibia’s most  rare and valuable game species are synonymous with the Waterberg Plateau Park.

In 1904, Waterberg was the scene of a battle between Herero warriors and German colonial forces. The Herero fighters suffered a bitter defeat against their oppressors and thousands of lives were lost in the ensuing retreat across the Omaheke Region into Botswana.

The park has been zoned into management areas for wilderness, trophy hunting and tourism. Within the park Bernabé de la Bat Rest Camp is one of Namibia’s most visited resorts, while thousands of surrounding community members receive training at the Okatjikona Environmental Education Centre annually.



Park size: 405 km²

Proclamation: 1972

Natural features: A 50-km-long porous sandstone mountain with abundant game, unique vegetation and a series of permanent springs at the foot of the plateau.

Vegetation Tree and Shrub  Savannah Biome. Vegetation type: Northern Kalahari, Thornbush Shrubland. Leadwood tree (Combretum imberbe), silver terminalia (Terminalia sericea), kudu bush (Combretum apiculatum), a variety of acacias (Acacia erioloba, A. erubescens and A. tortilis), laurel fig (Ficus ilicina) and about 140 lichen species.

Wildlife: Buffalo, Roan and sable antelope, Eland, Tsessebe, Leopard, Side-striped jackal. More than 200 bird species, including Hartlaub’s Francolin, Rüppell’s Parrot, Bradfield’s Swift, Monteiro’s Hornbill, Bradfield’s Hornbill, Carp’s Black Tit, Rockrunner, Cape Vulture.

Tourism: Rest camp with bungalows and camping. Restaurant, kiosk, shop and swimming pool. Guided drives on the plateau. 48 km unguided hiking trail an guided wilderness trails can be conducted. Booking required for guided and unguided hiking trails on the plateau, with short walking trails within the resort.

Colourful Etjo sandstone cliffs and rare game species such as roan and sable are synonymous with the Waterberg Plateau Park.