The Ministry of Environment and Tourism Resource Centre (METRC) is a Ministerial Reference Information Centre within the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. It operates under the Directorate of Planning and Technical Services, a unit within the Ministry. The Resource Centre serves the Ministries staff members, students, learners, researchers and the general public by providing technical and innovative information on the Environmental Aspects, Socialeconomic and Tourism related information both locally andinternationally.

The Vision of the Resource Centre is to foster an environment of discovery and intellectual exchange that inspires all our users by turning them into becoming critical thinkers through timely access to materials. The mission is to develop, maintain and make accessible collections of information resources that meet the learning, research and development needs of our library users. The Resource Centre functions as a national environmental and tourism information hub.

The center seeks to uphold values which are centered on collaboration, diversity, excellence, innovation, quick and effective responsiveness in meeting the needs of our users. Services at offer include free Internet access; photocopying services (photocopying services is only for library materials and reserved for MET staff members only); Inter-Library Loan System; The Library staff are always willing to help users acquire library resources from other networking libraries for items that cannot be found in our collection; the Library subscribes to the newspapers such as the Namibian, New Era and the Republican; Newspaper articles on information related to the ministry are available both in soft and hard copy

The METRC collection comprises of the following:

  • Environmental, Scientific, Social and Economic Books
  • Research discussion papers from various Directorate in the Ministry
  • National and regional topographic and geographical maps
  • Environmental and Tourism related videos and CDs
  • Journals covering environmental, ecological, biological and geographical topics
  • MET- Reports from all the directorates
  • Research papers conducted in the various directorates

Membership is restricted to only staff members and the period for lending books is one month. All users are to use the materials in the library and make print/digital copies as per copyright act. Borrowing of library materials is reserved for MET staff members only unless requests are received through the inter-library loan system within the networking libraries.

The centre opens Monday – Friday from 08:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 every day. METRC is open to the general public for reading, information research and study purposes during the core business hours from Mondays through to Friday.

For any inquiries, please seek assistance from the following contacts;

The Librarians

Tel: +264 284 2952

Tel: +264 284 2716