Photos by SCE and MET
Mission Statement

To promote effective and efficient strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, development cooperation and infrastructure to enhance biodiversity, conservation and tourism development in Namibia


Overall Objectives and Mandate of Directorate: Planning and Technical Services

  • Coordinate strategic planning and policy development,
  • Coordinate the ministerial capital projects and development cooperation programme,
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the ministerial strategies, programme and projects,
  • Planning and implementation of the ministerial infrastructure projects,
  • Serve as a strategic link between MET, NPC, OPM and other key stakeholders with regard to strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, development programs and capital projects,
  • Provide knowledge management services to the Ministry.


Division: Planning and Coordination

Subdivision: Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Conduct strategic and sectoral development planning,
  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of the ministerial development cooperation programme,
  • Develop, implement and coordinate an integrated M&E plan,
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of strategic plan, capital projects and development cooperation programme,
  • Prepare sectoral quarterly and annual progress reports.


Subdivision: Knowledge Management and Communication

  • Develop and maintain a database for the ministerial policies, statutes, conventions and strategic plans,
  • Develop and maintain a ministerial knowledge management and communication strategy,
  • Develop and manage the ministerial knowledge systems, library services and information management systems (IMS),
  • Prepare sectoral quarterly and annual progress reports.


Division: Technical Services

Subdivision: Construction and Rehabilitation

  • Planning and implementation of the ministerial infrastructure projects,
  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of the ministerial capital projects,
  • Oversee and support the infrastructure components of development cooperation projects,
  • Prepare sectoral quarterly and annual progress reports.


Subdivision: Maintenance

  • Implementation of the ministerial maintenance projects jointly with Ministry Works and Transport,
  • Oversee the ministerial maintenance activities executed by MET staff,
  • Provide and facilitate technical advice, training, capacity development to the regional subdivision maintenance of Directorate of Wildlife and Parks Management,
  • Develop and maintain the ministerial infrastructure archive,
  • Prepare sectoral quarterly and annual progress reports.


Contact Details

Office of the Director
Tel: +264 61 284 2372
Fax: +264 61309 071