Editor’s Note
Welcome to the third edition of the official newsletter for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the first issue for 2015.
You might have noticed that this issue has been rebranded as “Earth¬bound”. To some who know, this is simply going back to the roots.
Earthbound has been in existence before and the intention is to carry it forward since it captures, in totality, our core duties, objectives and in¬deed our national mandate in line with those of our key stakeholders, par¬ticularly non-governmental organisations and the private sector.
I take this opportunity to welcome all of our readers to 2015. I sincerely hope that everyone has had a restful festive season together with their families.
It is my hope that we return re-energised, focused and ready to build on what we achieved as far as 2014 is concerned.
I know, as a sector, we have celebrated a number of achievements particu¬larly as a ministry.
However, in the midst of those achievements there are challenges and op¬portunities.
Therefore, I urge all of us to work tirelessly and smart in ensuring that we steer this ship to the Promised Land.
It is not in our best interest to fail in our mandate to protect the environ¬ment and to develop tourism in the country.